The network originally aired races, typically during the second half of the season, from 1999 to 2006. NASCAR on NBC (visually branded as NBC NASCAR in logos shown within on-air graphics and network promotions) is the branding used for broadcasts of NASCAR races that are produced by NBC Sports, and televised on several NBCUniversal-owned television networks, including the NBC broadcast network in the United States. NASCAR on ESPN (shared with NASCAR on Fox until 2006).TNT (2001–2006) with Turner Sports Graphics NBC Sports app & NBC Sports Regional Networks (2015–present, practice and qualifying coverage)
Race: 2.5 to 5 hours (depending on race length) NBC Studios, New York City (studio segments) NBC Sports, Stamford, Connecticut (studio segments) Various NASCAR racetracks (race telecasts, and pre-race shows) ' Runnin' Down a Dream' by Tom Petty performed by ZZ Ward (2018–2019) ' Bringing Back the Sunshine' by Blake Shelton (2015–2017) Tom Petty, Jeff Lynne, and Mike Campbell (2018–2019) (for other reporters and former staff, see announcers section below) The fourth and current NASCAR on NBC network TV logo, used on-air since July 1, 2017